"Movers & Shakers" Regenerative Leadership UnConference


GDI (Rüschlikon/ZH), Thursday, October 26, 2023


The "Movers & Shakers" Regenerative Leadership UnConference  takes you on a transformational journey as we create an amazing experience for you. We have curated topics which we will explore together during our journey. We will be guided by our First Nation Leaders, Elders and Allies.

Curated topics:

  • How to become architects of change through ecological transitions - guided by Claude García & team
  • Touching the Jaguar: How to shift from a death economy to a regenerative life economy - guided by John Perkins
  • Un-Planned: Talking Circles with First Nation Leaders and Elders - guided by Uyunkar Domingo Peas, Manari Ushigua & Atossa Soltani

Get ready for a dynamic exchange, we will play together, work together, reflect together and grow together.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Leadership Unconference: from 8am to 6:30pm

The Flying Dinner & Networking Event: from 7pm to 9:30pm


GDI, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute

Langhaldenstrasse 21

8803 Rüschlikon (Zurich)


The “Movers & Shakers” Leadership UnConference is limited to 160 Guests.

  • Attendance Unconference only: CHF 950
  • Attendance Unconference and Flying Dinner: CHF 1'100

To book your place, please click on the Register Now button.

This event is organized by the Bullens Heimann & Friends Foundation as a fundraiser exclusively dedicated to “The Living School of the Amazon” - a leadership school from indigenous people for indigenous people. Learn more about why this matters so much in the video at the bottom of this page.

Register now

Why you should attend

Integrating indigenous wisdom through a leadership immersion experience for global corporate and c-level conscious leaders

We have the honour of inviting you to our “Movers & Shakers” Regenerative Leadership Unconference - the way to go beyond your triple bottom line!

The title may be a bit of a mouthful so let us quickly break down what it means and why you should attend.

The Movers & Shakers are you. You represent some of the most important and powerful corporations on the planet, influencing not only their own futures, but that of governments and the citizens of the countries in which they operate.

John Perkins, Chief Economist, Author and Activist, and one of our incredibly inspiring guest speakers, sets out the challenge: «How do we shift from our current economic system, which is exhausting resources and causing serious, long-term crises, to a more sustainable one? How can we establish an economy that will benefit our children and grandchildren?»

The always inspiring and creative Prof. Claude García, a Tropical Forest Ecologist who travels the planet and makes people play games, helps us cut through the complexity of today's world and will guide us in exploring: «How to become architects of change through ecological transitions?»

All we want to reveal at this point is that Claude and his team will facilitate a powerful strategy game with us, which you don't want to miss!

With these questions, truly at the heart of many sustainability debates, we will explore in a highly unconventional way Regenerative Leadership, which is about how we as leaders can help regenerate that balance for the future of the planet whilst continuing to operate successful enterprises.

How we explore this will be through what we are calling an Un-conference. No hours of stodgy PowerPoint or top-down downloads. Rather it will be driven and co-created by you and your peers from other companies, offering a fully immersive experience.

The Un-Planned Session is all yours. In the Talking Circles, you can ask questions, share experiences, explore ancient knowledge and wisdom and learn from the unique perspectives from our indigenous elders and leaders from the Amazon: Manari Ushigua, Uyunkar Domingo Peas and Atossa Soltani.

We promise you an experience that will challenge your thinking about what your personal and company legacy could be, as you are joined by top other leaders from a wide cross section of industries united by your willingness to explore how you can leave a more positive legacy for the next generation by the actions you take now, imagining beyond your current strategies and thinking.

And above all how this can be done at pace, with urgency.

Our guides: First Nations Leaders, Elders and Allies

We are thrilled that our guides are some of the leading experts in the fields of the environments over which we have no control alone: our ecology and our economy. Together with our indigenous leaders and elders, they are going to guide us on a journey, which might change the way you think and help you imagine beyond your current ESG strategies!

Meet your guides:

Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai
Uyunkar Domingo Peas Nampichkai

Leader & Elder of the Achuar nation

Domingo is an Achuar leader and elder from Ecuador with a history of serving the indigenous movement. Currently Uyunkar is the territories coordinator for the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative for the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (CONFENIAE) which represents 11 indigenous nationalities from the Amazon. Domingo served as the director of communication for the Achuar Nation from 2000-2003. He is the founder of the community of Sharamentsa and served as the Vice-President of CONFENIAE from 1993-1996. He also was the Vice-President and President of CODENPE (Council of Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador). In the past months, Domingo has been travelling to conferences such as the Summit of the Americas, Nexus Global, World Biodiversity Forum as an XPRIZE Judge and keynote speaker and UN HLPF on Sustainable Development Goals and more.

John Perkins
John Perkins

Economist, Author, Activist

As Chief Economist at a major consulting firm, John was advisor to the World Bank, UN, IMF, Fortune 500 corporations, and leaders of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and US government agencies. His eleven books, including Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Touching the Jaguar, and Shapeshifting spent more than 70 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list, are published in over 35 languages, and sold more than 2 million copies. His latest, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition: China’s EHM Strategy; How to Stop the Global Takeover (Feb 2023) discusses the ways China’s EHMs have learned from the US’s successes and failures; it emphasizes that the two countries combined produce nearly half the world’s economic output and pollution and that, while they can disagree on many issues, they both need to work to transform a failing, degenerative Death Economy into a regenerative Life Economy. He has lectured at more than 50 universities; been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, Time, The New York Times, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many others. He is a founder of the nonprofits Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance and was awarded the Lennon/Ono Peace Prize.

Claude García
Claude García

Professor of International Forest Management

Claude Garcia is a tropical ecologist by training but it is a long time ago that he measured a tree. He is Professor of International Forest Management at Berner Fachhochschule, and leads the Forest Management and Development Team at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. Previously, he has been working for CIRAD, the French International Centre of Research and Agronomy for Development. His research aims at understanding tropical landscapes under change. He seeks to understand the interactions between (i) ecosystem and their processes, (ii) stakeholders and their strategies and (iii) the norms and institutions the latter establish to access the former. He uses games to analyse the drivers and strategies involved in the decision making processes of stakeholders. His goal is to balance conservation and development through better public policies that take into account local knowledge, constraints and opportunities. He has 20 years of expertise working in multi-cultural environments. He unsurprisingly plays games.

Manari Ushigua
Manari Ushigua

Spiritual and political leader Sapara Nation

Manari Ushigua is the spiritual and political leader of the Sápara Nation in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The Sápara Nation is recognized by UNESCO as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.” Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of Ecuador as the Vice President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador).

Atossa Soltani
Atossa Soltani

Director of Global Strategy, Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative

Atossa is the director of global strategy for the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative working with an alliance of 30 indigenous nations to permanently protect 86 million acres of rainforests in the most biologically diverse ecosystem on Earth in Ecuador and Peru. She also serves as a Founding Board President of Amazon Watch, a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin.

Curated Topics

Touching the Jaguar

What You Can Do to Transform the Death Economy to a Regenerative Life Economy?

By John Perkins

We change reality by altering our mindsets, our dreams — our perceptions. This is the bases for psychotherapy, politics, government, business, advertising, and shamanism. Today’s degenerative Death Economy is the result of a perception that took off in 1976 when corporations were told by Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman that “the only responsibility of business is to maximize profits, regardless of the social and environmental costs.” Now it’s time for you to participate in the most important movement in human history, changing that perception, transforming the Death Economy into a Life Economy, and ending climate change, species extinctions, environmental destruction, and many of the other crisis facing us. Amazonian shamans taught John Perkins that when you “touch the jaguar,” you confront your barriers and channel them into perceptions that alter reality. Life changes because we alter energy patterns that are driven by our perceptions – on individual, institutional, and global levels. During this experiential workshop, John will draw from his two latest books, Touching the Jaguar (2020) and Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition (Feb. 2023). He will lead you through shamanic journeys to confront the barriers that have held you back, alter your perceptions, and take actions that will change reality. He will teach a simple 10-minute approach for living the life you most want and at the same time converting the Death Economy into a Life Economy.

How to become architects of change through ecological transitions

By Claude Garcia

If climate change or the loss of biodiversity are existential threats for our societies, why do we still fail to engage the ecological transition? Claude Garcia and his team will take you in an immersive experience to a landscape under transition. You will have to face a seemingly simple challenge: survive, prosper, preserve. Together and in teams, you will seek to achieve your goals in a system over which have little control. And above all, you will not be alone.  We all make choices, based on the information and resources available to us, our beliefs and values. Together we will go through this immersive experience and huge collective learning process.

Are you ready for a challenge? The climate crisis is. It’s here.


A Talking Circle about topics raised during the Unconference

By Manari Ushigua, Uyunkar Domingo Peas & Atossa Soltani

In this session you will experience a Talking Circle, a traditional indigenous pedagogical approach that encourages dialogue, deep respect and co-learning and interaction. The First Nation communities in the Amazon have been practicing “regenerative leadership” forever. The word “regenerative” doesn’t exist in their language, because it is part of who they are and part of their culture. Indigenous peoples see themselves as part of nature. This is your chance to ask questions to our indigenous elders as if they were stakeholders in your board of directors.

Together Let's Amplify First Nation Leadership Voices for Climate Regeneration

The Living School of the Amazon

A Leadership School from Indigenous Leaders for Indigenous Leaders

The "Movers & Shakers" Regenerative Leadership Unconference is a fundraiser for the Living School of the Amazon (EVA).

The Sacred Headwaters region in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon is considered one of the most biodiverse areas in the world. It measures 35 million hectares and is home to 600,000 people from more than 30 indigenous nationalities.

Deforestation rates are significantly lower – and reforestation rates significantly higher in officially recognized indigenous territories compared to unprotected regions. This is clear proof that those best equipped to protect the Amazon are those that come from within. Although they comprise less than 5% of the world population, indigenous populations protect 80% of the earth’s biodiversity.

That’s why we invest in the The Living School of the Amazon: to stand in solidarity with our indigenous siblings and amplify First Nation Leadership Voices for Climate Regeneration.

Because the work they do is serving the whole of humanity as well as Planet Earth.  


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